
a home

this blog sprung out of a need to remember things
to record things
to share things

and, so, here it is...while it is still fresh..

it was grungy, at best.
but it was ours.

the kitchen was beautiful in it's own imperfect way.
the floors creaked and cupboards were an odd rusted-black
but i opened them and they were filled with evidence of love

spices, apples and a perfectly stacked row of cookies stood before me.
aye, this is my cupboard.
there was no question about it.

i gave you a cookie.
and with it you walked through the archway, past the vacant dining room and into the living space

a bookshelf lined with books.
that is all i remember.

the bathroom was horrific.
damp carpet lined the floor.
and i knelt down to throw away a speck of garbage that floated
daintily past your grip and sunk between your toes

the room was large and had one king-sized object.

and that was it.
it was brief.
but it was ours.
i woke up comforted by nothing and no one and yet everything all at once.

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