
to the younger, more fragile version of myself

the other day i started to think about
the lessons i have learnt
and the timing of these lessons.

wouldn't life have been a peach if i had learned them all at day one.
if they were genetically embedded.
if i just knew.

it does not work that way
and i still learn something new
about life and it's wonderment

some lessons i truly enjoy.
some i try to avoid.
but life will always find you.

ah, the beauty of it all.

if i could go back in time
to my teenage self
a little weathered
a lot ambitious
i would give myself a big hug
and then, with a meaningful exhale,

don't stress the little things.
i know it is tempting.
you are young. and dramatic.
and in need of attention for no solid reason at all.


it is really not worth it.
soon you will realize that life is a series of fleeting moments.
they come.
and they go.
do not get stuck in moments.
you will miss the beauty of life if you do.

don't worry.
you will do it one day.
you will learn to do whatever you want.
you will find a passion.
you will grow.
and succeed.

don't be afraid to say no.
saying no means that you are actually saying yes
to yourself.

acknowledge change.
know that every organism on this earth is constantly changing.
change is good.

smile at strangers.
it really freaks them out.

recognize your beauty.
flaws are endearing.

veeto on the sunless tanner.

double veeto on ash blonde hair dye.

own your brains on the first day you breeze through that school.

find the ones who love you unconditionally
and love them back.

do not regret anything.
everything you have done and will do
good or bad
has important meaning
and holds an important lesson.

remember to breathe.

with love from,

the twenty-something version of yourself

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