
a childs heart

i remember the good ol' days.
am i too young to say that?

but i really do enjoy
sitting back and reminiscing about

the good ol' days.

i was young(er).
i did not know a thing about life's odd complications.
i ate whatever i wanted.
i had no pressing schedule.
i could spend 3 hours of my day counting grains of sand.
and, sometimes, i did.
and i was silly.
oh gosh, was i silly!

at some point
things changed.
i got more responsibility
more life lessons
and less time to gallivant carelessly.

i decided that, come fall 2011,
i am reclaiming my youth.

that's right.

i want to embark on a hobby
that i am absolutely horrible at.
for the sake of laughing. a lot.
and learning how to recapture
a child's heart.
i have a few ideas peculating..

ping pong - there is no shot in heck i will ever become a good ping pong player. and. i don't want to! i had my first informal ping pong "lesson". basically i flung my limbs (yes, all of them) about with absolutely no grace and hit the ball. most of the time. i laughed. a lot. a ping pong league seems like a good possibility.

modern dance - crazy outfits. leaping across rooms. poses that do not seem like actual poses at all. body contortion. yup. it's high up there on the list.

pole dancing - trying to be sexy while being acutely aware of how ridiculous i look. probably enough said.

playing the banjo - i heart the banjo. and it just so happens i have an oldie - but still a goodie - in my basement. new strings and away i go with my bango. although, to be honest, this task seems more daunting and potentially frustrating. but once i nail those notes - i think they would make for a good tension breaker in life.

soccer - i played soccer in the good ol' days. and i was bad. really bad. but it never mattered. because it was the good ol' days. if i can seek out a team that has no desire to win. i think i will be set.

this is all i have on my list. so far.
feel free to add suggestions.
also feel free to recapture your child's heart. unless you managed to keep it all along. then props to you!

p.s. it is also worth noting that come fall 2011
i will be learning french
from a funny irish man.
i hope to giggle pretty consistently for most of next year.

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