
it all started with a yogi

he does not levitate
or chant
or meditate
he does do a mean inertia

he is yogi
or gigi
or monsieur gi (if we are feeling particularly fancy)

and he is the reason
for my desire to own a pug
he snuggles (all the time)
and sleeps
and snores
and it's adorable.

he also does not really run
so much as freely throw out his jambes
and prances around in merriment

he takes his walks seriously
and his naps even more seriously

and is just the cutest little man. ever.

throw in a ryder
and you have what i like to call

the odd couple.

they heart each other.
so much so
that ryder switches beds with gigi
and they chew their chewies in unision
gigi on a huge bed
and ryder just barely fitting his rump on gi's bed.

i have requested a pug
and a collie for my own.

results: pending.

start the day right

blast it.


horn of plenty

i heart you.
so much.



saskatoon farmers market
sweet potato and curry soup
snap peas
too many pairs of colourful opaque tights
splurging calorically
a run-in with heavenly whipped butter
good laughs
tom's shoes (finally!)
the perfect lip tint
and all in one weekend.


now to play (and replay) this sweet lullaby and sleep away the rest of the weekend.

sweet dreams


finally! an explanation.

so, my whack (yeah, whack) internet connection
is really cramping my style.

(yes, i did really just use whack and cramping my style in the same sentence).

last night i wanted nothing more than to
cuddle with my beloved macbook under a pile of blankets
(central air cramps my summer style)
and peruse pretty pictures.

instead i stood stiffly
and observed the router from afar.
there it sat
floating amongst a sea of wires.

oh, the wires.

they successfully scared me off the premises
to sulk in my room sans internet connection.

if i could, i would have read and reread this letter all evening

because, on restless evenings when e asks "what should we do?"
my response is usually

"buy a vespa"

it is unexplainable
and random.
but i feel like this letter adds a touch of clarity to my request.

happy reading.
and rereading.



a string has completely threw me off-kilter.
yes, a string.

it is blue and goes by the name of cat5e.
it is my ethernet cord.

i realize that wireless is where it is at these days.
and i would have jumped on the bandwagon months ago.
but apparently, it is not good enough for unsaid family members.

alas, my ethernet cord has stopped working.
for no good reason at all.
it does not seem to matter how much i beg and plead with my macbook.

it refuses to listen.

gone are the lazy nights in bed
with my macbook
spewing out witty comments
and introducing my most beloved must-haves to you.

here is what has gone down:

1. i have donated my crab apple tree to fruit for thought.
for those of you in the regina area with fruit trees
and no desire to actually do anything with the harvest
you must donate your tree!

you can even reap some harvest
or choose to donate it all to charity
and the fruit pickers.

2. i have undergone any measures necessary to save all food in my house.
as of late, i hate wasting. it seems so pointless.
evidently, this means odd concoctions.


ginger dressing with toasted sesame seeds
3 avocados
romaine lettuce
yellow pepper
red pepper

it worked, though.

3. killing potato beetles.
these buggers are ruthless.
and disgusting.
and are trying to ruin my perfectly bloomed potatoes.
will not happen, beetles. will not happen.

4. avoiding starbucks.
as much as i enjoy an iced soy chai latte,
i need to cut it before the addiction takes control of my life.

5. pondering employment
should i stay...
should i go...
where do i go?

waitress? i fear that would be a disaster
retail? ugh. don't make me.
any other kind of job where i must speak to people on a daily basis? please no.

i have a sneaking suspicion that i am stuck here.

also really wanting:

chocolate filled raspberries.

still needing:

sweet little thing spotted here


a childs heart

i remember the good ol' days.
am i too young to say that?

but i really do enjoy
sitting back and reminiscing about

the good ol' days.

i was young(er).
i did not know a thing about life's odd complications.
i ate whatever i wanted.
i had no pressing schedule.
i could spend 3 hours of my day counting grains of sand.
and, sometimes, i did.
and i was silly.
oh gosh, was i silly!

at some point
things changed.
i got more responsibility
more life lessons
and less time to gallivant carelessly.

i decided that, come fall 2011,
i am reclaiming my youth.

that's right.

i want to embark on a hobby
that i am absolutely horrible at.
for the sake of laughing. a lot.
and learning how to recapture
a child's heart.
i have a few ideas peculating..

ping pong - there is no shot in heck i will ever become a good ping pong player. and. i don't want to! i had my first informal ping pong "lesson". basically i flung my limbs (yes, all of them) about with absolutely no grace and hit the ball. most of the time. i laughed. a lot. a ping pong league seems like a good possibility.

modern dance - crazy outfits. leaping across rooms. poses that do not seem like actual poses at all. body contortion. yup. it's high up there on the list.

pole dancing - trying to be sexy while being acutely aware of how ridiculous i look. probably enough said.

playing the banjo - i heart the banjo. and it just so happens i have an oldie - but still a goodie - in my basement. new strings and away i go with my bango. although, to be honest, this task seems more daunting and potentially frustrating. but once i nail those notes - i think they would make for a good tension breaker in life.

soccer - i played soccer in the good ol' days. and i was bad. really bad. but it never mattered. because it was the good ol' days. if i can seek out a team that has no desire to win. i think i will be set.

this is all i have on my list. so far.
feel free to add suggestions.
also feel free to recapture your child's heart. unless you managed to keep it all along. then props to you!

p.s. it is also worth noting that come fall 2011
i will be learning french
from a funny irish man.
i hope to giggle pretty consistently for most of next year.


to the younger, more fragile version of myself

the other day i started to think about
the lessons i have learnt
and the timing of these lessons.

wouldn't life have been a peach if i had learned them all at day one.
if they were genetically embedded.
if i just knew.

it does not work that way
and i still learn something new
about life and it's wonderment

some lessons i truly enjoy.
some i try to avoid.
but life will always find you.

ah, the beauty of it all.

if i could go back in time
to my teenage self
a little weathered
a lot ambitious
i would give myself a big hug
and then, with a meaningful exhale,

don't stress the little things.
i know it is tempting.
you are young. and dramatic.
and in need of attention for no solid reason at all.


it is really not worth it.
soon you will realize that life is a series of fleeting moments.
they come.
and they go.
do not get stuck in moments.
you will miss the beauty of life if you do.

don't worry.
you will do it one day.
you will learn to do whatever you want.
you will find a passion.
you will grow.
and succeed.

don't be afraid to say no.
saying no means that you are actually saying yes
to yourself.

acknowledge change.
know that every organism on this earth is constantly changing.
change is good.

smile at strangers.
it really freaks them out.

recognize your beauty.
flaws are endearing.

veeto on the sunless tanner.

double veeto on ash blonde hair dye.

own your brains on the first day you breeze through that school.

find the ones who love you unconditionally
and love them back.

do not regret anything.
everything you have done and will do
good or bad
has important meaning
and holds an important lesson.

remember to breathe.

with love from,

the twenty-something version of yourself