
practicing happiness

you know those days where everything seems so damn right?

days, moments, fleeting seconds where the universe lines up directly with your desires and you feel perfectly fulfilled?
like you could walk off the curb and step into nonexistence and everything would be perfect as it currently is.
there would be no regrets.
no what ifs.
everything is as it should be.


sometimes this fleeting intense happiness rushes over me when i am nearly asleep
and i cannot help but kick my feet sporadically in a little happy dance
because right now...at 10:34 p.m.
things are so damn right.

please tell me you know what i mean...

apparently this feeling is like a muscle.
or so they say.
the more you use it, the more pronounced it gets.

....how absolutely delicious is that?

happiness...although fleeting...can be called upon when you truly need it.


i quite like that theory.

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