
under slept

if someone could explain to me why, oh why, i have been waking up exhausted
during the week i have off,
that would be lovely.

apparently it is true, what they say
you cannot catch up on sleep.

sleepless nights are here and gone.
and once they are gone, they are impossible to retrieve.


i was kind of banking on that whole "i'll catch up later" speel.

instead, during this week away from school,
where i had all the time, well some of the time,
to sleep to my hearts content.

i didn't.

last night, i was sure i would collaspe from exhaustion and fall into a nice coma.


i rode out a caffeine high until 2 am.

maybe i'll get this right some day. but probably not.

my week, according to instagram and youtube:

i also watched these charming french films:

sorry...no subtitles for the second one. you will just have to trust me, it was lovely!

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