

some things you should know about me:

the five.

1. disco ball intuition - i can always tell if there is a disco ball on the premises.
i just know.
in churches
community centres
i. always. know.

2. musical masterdodger - i can play at least 2 chords of lots of music instruments
then i loose interest
or get wound up doing other things
but i have a deep desire
to learn a musical instrument inside and out
piano, perhaps?
stay tuned.

3. handmade crazy - i love all things handmade.
they have a sort of history that is quite appealing.
one day i hope to be a jane of all trades.
diy projects are awesomely rewarding.

4. outside the lines - i cannot colour inside the lines.
never have and probably never will.
i used to be super critical of myself for it (circa grade 1)
now i just laugh and continue on with my awful colouring skills.
life is too short to stay inside the lines!

5. dislike winter. like. a lot.
dislike icy roads.
dislike multiple layers.
dislike grumpy people coordinating with awful weather.
i trudge through it but only for the arrival of spring.
i also dislike summer.
it is too hot.
one day i will live somewhere temperate.
i hope.

p.s. - i navigated you to this online ezine article. here is the video to accompany it:

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