
when it rains

it pours
with opportunities, that is.

i cannot say much
mostly because i am stunned
and emotionally fragile
in the busiest week of the semester

so i did what most people do
when they have
one really big decision to make
three term papers
one test
and one presentation
in one week

i ate 3/4 of pizza
and had a nap.

here is your hint

and no
i am not pregnant.

good guess though.


dames on frames

i would like a subscription to this e-zine, please.
with a fantastic grammatical name such as
dames on frames
it has just got be good.

out of the ether

found here.

there are some people
who come into our lives
at the most perfect times
to teach us
many things about ourselves
our world
our universe.

i consider myself lucky
to have met a very special lil family
that did just that.

it was their kind hearts
that eagerly handed me
the thread and needle
when my life was falling apart
and stood by as i sewed it back together

they taught me
the beauty of self
the beauty of happiness
the beauty of mourning
the beauty of time
the beauty of radio
the beauty of loose tea.

that taught me that
to live is to learn
to live is to instantly have a responsibility
to yourself and others

they taught me that whole foods
are the best foods

they instilled in me
a need for quirky surroundings.

and for that, and so much more,
i will miss them. deeply.

go on, my dear friends, life is waiting.

you all will forever be a precious mark on my heart.


sunday wants


i will take all of this
with a cup of hot chai
and a bowl of beet soup.


cupcakes are a compulsion

found here

so much so
that i start to panic
when i run out of icing sugar.

there must always be supplies to make impromptu cupcakes.

vanilla with matcha green tea frosting
chocolate and cherry
chocolate chai and creamy nutmeg
lemon and raspberry
and it goes on....
and on.


dear fluevog

you are killing (KILLING) me with your summer line.

i need all of these.

c'est officiel

next year
i will be submersed
in french

i tested to be placed in an intensive french program
mtwr, 9-3
french grammar
french speaking
french films
french food (i hope!)

because i desperately want to learn another language.
and french is beautiful.
and i am going to learn it.

and then i will be able to sing along to this song

Coeur de pirate || Comme des enfants from Dare To Care Records on Vimeo.



some things you should know about me:

the five.

1. disco ball intuition - i can always tell if there is a disco ball on the premises.
i just know.
in churches
community centres
i. always. know.

2. musical masterdodger - i can play at least 2 chords of lots of music instruments
then i loose interest
or get wound up doing other things
but i have a deep desire
to learn a musical instrument inside and out
piano, perhaps?
stay tuned.

3. handmade crazy - i love all things handmade.
they have a sort of history that is quite appealing.
one day i hope to be a jane of all trades.
diy projects are awesomely rewarding.

4. outside the lines - i cannot colour inside the lines.
never have and probably never will.
i used to be super critical of myself for it (circa grade 1)
now i just laugh and continue on with my awful colouring skills.
life is too short to stay inside the lines!

5. dislike winter. like. a lot.
dislike icy roads.
dislike multiple layers.
dislike grumpy people coordinating with awful weather.
i trudge through it but only for the arrival of spring.
i also dislike summer.
it is too hot.
one day i will live somewhere temperate.
i hope.

p.s. - i navigated you to this online ezine article. here is the video to accompany it:

life is good: reason # 47980

i heart our* makeshift yoga studio

in the heart of cathedral
up a flight of stairs
and through two heavy doors
you will start to hear breathing
it is called ujjayi
it sounds peaceful

in a small room
a random array of yoga mats await
a wall of windows
harbouring houseplants of all kinds
random candles
a single insence
spewing out a smoky aroma
of nag champa
and a couple of yogic pictures on the walls
for inspiration.

if you are lucky enough
you will hear the chanting of the opening prayer

all our voices harmonize beautifully for the finale:


and we begin.

we begin our indy practice
where we all follow a pattern
but we all do it differently
some fast
some slow
some meander off to different poses
then come back.

so, at any given time
if you were to peer in through the heavy door
you would see this:

at the difficult poses
other yogis* will come
and gently collapse on your back
pushing you farther
making sure your low back
has gotten a nice stretch



soul pancake asks:

5 things you would give up your baby toe for

i answer

1. world peace (absolutely). it should also be noted that my definition of world peace is extensive. probably exhaustive. but it is my damn toe and, therefore, i get everything i think should fall under world peace.

2. perfect balance - compensation for the loss of my baby toe.

3. perfect, PERFECT french - throw in the ability to eat french cuisine and never gain a pound. again, it is my damn toe!

4. to meet alanis morisette - this probably seems weird. but i would die happy.

5. to grow an amazing garden year after year after year.

sage femme

10:49 AM

i am sitting in geo 220
supposed to be listening
and writing feverishly
instead i am doing fr 102 (francais!)

ou es-tu travaillera?
(where will you work?)
je travaillerai chez moi.
je serai sage-femme.
(i will work in my house.
i will be a midwife)

then it hits me
the acute midlife/midwife crisis of march 2011.
(yes. i tend to have them monthly)

sage femme
literally translates
to wise woman

i panic.
i start to talk really fast
and say things like
i am not wise.
or unflappable.
or strong.
or put together.

i am a fricken mess.

and then i start to question my (sole) audience member
"is it obvious that i have a million thoughts right now?"
they approach the question cautiously
".......yes....but not always..."

i will accept that answer.

one soy latte and a couple of carrot sticks later
i am calm again.


space + a fine frenzy

go look at this.

i am going to provide directions for the
ultimate e-zine viewing experience:

1. click enter.
2. go to 4th dot
3. click.
4. go to the last page
5. read on.
6. look on.
7. indulge in the eye candy.

i am now going to disclose something very odd:

i love, probably a little too much, looking at people's spaces
i love vintage pieces
i love quirky kicks in shabby corners
of well-loved homes
and i love old homes
they have such a charming nature

i had to share that piece of work with you.

i suggest you peruse while listening to this:
(thanks andrea for the song recommendation - you make my world rock)