
rude boy

i heart rihanna
she is amazing
so is her video:

p.s.- i liked it even more when i saw someone posted this:

nicole0o0 (1 hour ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
I'm not crazy about this video or this song.. She can look really cute when she wants to if she just wear her hair the right way and wear better clothes.. She's always wearing her pants and undergarments so damn high.. What? she's got stretch marks or something? Show your damn belly. That's sexy. Wearing your clothing high up like old people is not sexy.

now. if someone tells me that rihanna is not
mind-blowingly sexy in this video
i call bullshit

there is more to being a beautiful woman
than "good hair" and "good clothes"
and low rising bottoms
who knew?

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