
l.m. montgomery by jane urquhart

i have been spending
my spring afternoons
reading a beautifully written
(it flows like smooth honey)
biography of Canadian author
L.M. Montgomery
i was inspired to read it by a prof
who gave a brilliant lecture on the conundrums of people
and montgomery certainly fits the part

what is particularly fascinating about montgomery
is that her work was framed as young adult reading
a book of dreams for young girls (and boys)
it was really an outlet for a miserable life
riddled with insomnia, depression, a mentally unstable husband,
unfulfilled children, death and the list goes on

so this is my challenge:
read this bio
then re-read all of her books
and see if you really get it this time.

here is a little something to get you going:

her death:

"Her body is at peace, has already accepted the verdict. But her mind is not as easy to subdue. Swinging back and forth between grief and rage, fear and crushing disappointment, it is like a compass needle trapped in a magnetic field."

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