

2. Kiss someone you think is out of your league; kiss models and med students and entrepreneurs with part-time lives in Dubai and don’t worry about if they’re going to call you afterward.

i can count the number of men i have kissed on one hand.

there are two reasons for this.

first: i was raised under the rule of "if they want it, make them work for it"
as it turns out, there aren't a lot of men who want to work for it.
it seems like too much work to amuse a wily woman all for a single kiss.
i guess it might be.
but for those who choose to play...damn, is it fun.

second: i am a hopeless romantic
despite the realist in me, i still believe in true love.
i know better. really, i do.
love is a lot of work.
and a lot of compromise.
and a lot of communication.
and, sometimes, a lot of pain.
but i still believe in moonlit kisses between two people who can feel their heart beat a mile per minute when their only other walks into the room.
i still believe in the giddiness that is love and first dates and sometimes second dates.
and i still believe in holding hands and kissing cheeks and completely losing one self in the eyes of another.
yes, i do.

all that being said, 
i really do believe in free love.


  1. A confusing and difficult problem or question.
  2. A question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle.
riddle - puzzle - enigma - mystery

kissing one and kissing all is just fine with me.
i don't mind if you have five wives, two husbands, a whole commune of people in love.
i don't mind at all.
love is beautiful.
why not enjoy it in multiples?

if it sounds like i might be testing the waters of monogamy, it is only because i am.
i don't truly believe humans are meant to be monogamous
(says the woman who has been monogamous for five years. 
please revert back to the definition of conundrum)
but it has been forced on us for several reasons and so here we are.
making it work the best way we know how.
and, it is just as beautiful as free love. 
isn't it?

alas, i don't believe that kissing people "out of my league" will make or break my life.
in fact, i don't believe in "leagues".
i think that recognizing my conundrums and then living the hell out of my life with them in mind
...aye...that is where life really starts.


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