
you know you have been a student for too long when..


you shower at night just so you can sleep in a little longer in the morning.


you refuse to pay the fee and park close to the university. instead, you pay nothing and walk a couple blocks everyday.


you become a teaching assistant and start to use the term "jaffy" - just another f**king first year


you do not study the night before a big test. instead, you blog about student life.


you openly discuss your sad little bank account due to the fact that you are a "poor student"


you open your textbook. and then walk away.


you start to nod your head as the prof talks. you might be nodding to sleep, or you might be admitting to using the expression "birds of a feather" before realizing that all your classmates are too young for said expression. it is too late. you already outed.


if you remember to pack a lunch 3/5 days a week, you best celebrate.


you start to recognize familiar faces in the hall. and you share looks. looks that say "why are we still here?"


when someone asks you what scent you think of when you think of school and you reply "my rotting dreams"

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