

my body and i,
we have this relationship.

it goes a little something like this..

dear body,
you work really hard for me what with all the inconsistent marathon training and strenuous (or "relaxing") yoga poses. you walk me everywhere, make sure i can breathe, see, talk, laugh. you are actually pretty miraculous and never seem to let me down. and i appreciate that. i appreciate that so much that i treat you well (or i try to) what with all the greens, exercise, lotion and sauna visits.
i promise not to hate on you even though everyone else in society thinks i should.
and i promise not to chastise you if i enjoy food a little too much and eat a little more than is reasonable for a person my size.

it's mutual, really.

however, i feel like i owe myself an apology.
i am out of my usual rhythm of life now that i am on holidays.

i stay up late
i sleep in late
i feed myself overpriced lattes and political headlines
sometimes i don't feed myself at all
sometimes i get too wrapped up in a book
and before i know it, it is suddenly 2 in the afternoon
and my poor tummy is making a very strong point.

i am attempting to strive on an all-greek-yogurt-diet
which is inflaming my minor intolerance to lactose.
and, yet, who could resist the merciless vice of black cherry creamy yogurt?!

i ate so many christmas oranges
that my tongue is practically burnt right off.

i keep moving my toothbrush from one bathroom to the next,
and it never seems to be exactly where i need it at that time.
let us not even discuss flossing.
that is between my teeth, me and the dentist once a year.

my right hip has been screaming in agony for approximately a week
if i was not so busy ignoring it, i would know that it is demanding a massage.

so, dearest body,
i am sorry!
i promise to do better.
i promise to no longer substitute a well balanced meal for honey toast and a protein bar (although, it could be worse...couldn't it?)

much love,

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