
run-ins with my future daughter


this post is going to be exactly what the title says.

start your creepy sci-fi background music.........now!

so i'm at a venue.
i'm washing my hands.

and two little girls come up to the sink beside me.

one little girl leaves the water running and goes to leave.

her friend confronts her "dude! don't leave the water running!"

the water-waster sighs and says "whatever dude, the concert is starting. let's go. who cares?"

the wee-little environmentalist says "dude! i care. and you should too. water is way more important than this stupid concert."

blink. blink.

this must be my daughter.
we must be in the future.
i am staring at her.
i wonder if she thinks i am crazy already.

she likely does.
i was hoping it would take her years to figure that out.

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