
help! i'm alive

i realize i have been absent.
i thought of it everyday.
then the thought left my mind just as quickly...

fleeting moments.

i have had plenty of them this past while.

i set goals in these fleeting moments
important goals.

the most important one:
come up with a life plan
because fall 2011 semester
is the make it or break it time of your career.

i was supposed to make this decision
approximately 5 weeks ago.

fleeting moments.

aside from procrastination
i have been up to the usual...

hoarding library books
and video rentals
(i think i was a thief in my past life
or a very selfish bookworm)

playing in the kitchen
getting my fair share of protein
booking appointments
cancelling appointments
starbucks runs
seriously contemplating a pug purchase
seeking out pretty pictures
to preoccupy my mind

and a little of the not so usual as well...
hospital visits
bar hopping
and thinking a lot about eating olives (odd, i know)

and also making *every attempt to save my eggplant.
i will harvest an eggplant.
mark my words.

* we have crafted a nice greenhouse for said eggplant.
now thrive eggplant! thrive!

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