

can you see it?
it is a pomegranate!

i changed my blog title.
as you can see.
and i have (kinda?) good reasoning...

i feel like i am constantly changing
(we all are)
everyday i learn something new
and it propels me forward

as i was brainstorming potential business names
i came across pomegranate
and loved it.
because it is so simple.
and because pomegranates seem to have
a never ending supply of good stuff
(the seeds, of course)
and i feel like that is a reflection of people in general
or at least that is my hope.

and also,
pomegranates are just wicked cool.

i should inform you of my disappointment:

pomegranate birth services already exists.

i know.
i am crushed.
but blogger had no problem with it.

and off to the drawing board.....

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