
taking it off (the mat)

one of the many "oh god keep breathing" poses

so i do yoga.

mainly ashtanga.
a little hatha.
and a little hot.
and a little of everything in between.

they are all a weensy bit different
but they all share one thing:


breath can tell you so many things.
but we hardly ever listen to it.
how odd.

breath* can tell you if you are exerting yourself
(short, quick, quivering breaths where you never really fully exhale)
if you are anxious
(long inhales followed by really forced exhales)
if you are calm and prepared
(smooth inhale that fills all 4 corners of the lungs
followed by an equal exhale that completely clears the lungs)
if you are freaking out
(no breath. at all)

it is never enough for me to practice yoga on my mat
i always aim to take it out with me when i leave the studio
one of those ways is through breath

if i am stressed
my breath is restricted
and i fix it
and feel better
if i am angry
my breath is short and quick
i fix it
and feel better
if i am nervous
my breath is sporadic
i fix it
and feel better

*my breath, my experience. what does yours tell you?

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