
teapots deserve clothes, too!

i heart teapot cozies
such a cute disguise!

i also heart squirrels

also heart elephants.

et les oiseaus (and birds).

(obviously?) i am getting my fair share of tea on these winter days
still waiting not-patiently for iced tea on summer days.
cuddles and i have that in common
(aside from our selective cuddling and grazing habits)

every few days during the winter
she wakes after a sleepy yawn and
stretches for approximately 3 minutes
then lazily slithers to the door
and demands that we peek outside
(there is a really good chance that it has changed seasons
at some point during her 3 hour nap)
once she realizes that it is still not time
she resumes her nap.
soon, my kitty. soon.

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