

two great books this weekend
one awesome theme:

eating local.

book one is called locavore
(locavore: one who tries to eat only locally grown foods)

locavore has some really great information
interwoven with biographies and tales
of small farms
trying their best to provide for their communities
i was hooked on these tales
i found them fascinating
i, unfortunately, was not so hooked on the numerical information
(i.e. stats, years, company information, history)
i know it is super important and i respect that
but at the end of the day,
i want some easy reading
nonetheless, great read
and i love love love the cover!

book two is called the 100 mile diet
i have to say
i was completely and totally tickled by this book.
i quite fancy having a big old farm and completely and totally sustaining myself
i was totally impressed by this couple who did just that
they sought out farmers, friends and resources (all within 100 miles - of course)
and made delicious meals.

(also impressive: they made their own crackers! and salt!)

each month (the 100 mile diet began as a year-long experiment)
commences with a quote that is closely related to the development of food
the beautiful thing?
each quote comes from completely different backgrounds (i.e. ghandi to a graffiti artist to a 1950's housewife guide)
it proves - so strongly - that we are all interconnected

i was so wrapped up in this book
that i was nearly star-struck when a friend of mine
casually mentioned that she knew one of the authors
i managed to stammer
"rea..really? i think i need to meet him..."

book one and book two both speak to a true crisis in our world:
it is not that we do not have the means to create food to feed the entire world
it is that we are too "lazy" to do so. (i would even go so far as to say "greedy")
and it is true.

one garden can go a long way
(i.e. novella carpenter - amazing lady who nurtured an urban farm in the hood
and shared with all her neighbours. awesome.)
imagine if we all did just that.
i have a friend who grows a lovely garden each summer
and she prays for the day her neighbours will come steal some harvest
because that is what it is about.

we are all people
we all need food
lets make it happen.

make soil, not war - graffiti artist

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