
the immortal life of henrietta lacks by rebecca skloot

henreitta lacks was a black woman
who was diagnosed with a
ruthless case of cervical cancer

this diagnosis was delivered to her
while she sat in john hopkins hospital
on the "side" for "coloured" peoples

her cells were taken
without her consent
and went on to
assist science in numerous achievements
they made the science industry
billions of dollars

as for henrietta's family
they received nothing
they grew up
without their mother
without a clue
that their mother's cells
were saving other people's lives

illness plagued her children
throughout their entire lives
including elsie
her daughter who
was diagnosed with "idiocracy"
and spent the majority of her life
in an awful institution

even if you do not care about science.
even if hela means nothing to you.
i encourage you to read this book
solely for the blunt race, class and gender intersections
by the turn of the first page
hela will suddenly have a lot of meaning for you

i hope you will give
this memoir a special slot in your hearts
and that you become acquainted with her children
and cousins
and husband
as i did

skloot writes with such beautiful detail and ease
that you will be immediately drawn in.
i promise.

p.s. if you can - please buy this book
profits are going to a scholarship fund for henrietta's grandchildren

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