
cat dreams

(created by the lovely jessica doyle - of course!)

one of my favourite bloggers (and artists),
jessica doyle,
posted this charming little question
and i loved it

i'm almost embarrassed to say
that i became obsessed with it
what could my cat (and all cats!)
possibly dream about?

my mind first jumped to mice
(how generic)
but my cat has never really seen a live mouse
and if she did,
she would probably putz it around with her paw
make it suffer
then, maybe, eat it

she is mesmerized by rabbits,
squirrels and birds
but annoyed with gofers

she is incredibly terrified of water
but loves scrunched up paper

she is starved for attention
but easily irritated by one too many pets


what could she possibly be dreaming about when she looks like this?

(note the hairy toes - love it!)

you tell me.

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