
the vagina monologues

what you need to know:
created and first performed by eve ensler
is now performed around the world
all funds to go organizations that aim to stop violence against women
this documentary explains it all:
(and beautifully illustrates why feminism is still relevant)

i really do not know what else to say
other then

read this book.


dear carnivores

i almost feel bad for posting these disgusting pictures of magnified meat products.

do enjoy.

all of these pictures are from:
check out the website for even more motivation to stop eating meat...or...um...pictures...more pictures...


planned parenthood

Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition:
Provide CIDA Funding for IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation).

You are signer #482

here is more info:

Canada has been a partner of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) continuously since the 1960s, regardless of the political party in power, and this includes the current Government. IPPF’s funding agreement with Canada ended on December 31, 2009.

IPPF submitted a proposal to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to renew its contract for funding in June 2009. To-date, IPPF has yet to receive an indication of whether its funding agreement will be renewed.

Petition will be sent to CIDA and the Prime Minister of Canada on June 11, 2010, two weeks before the G8 and G20 summits.

We, the undersigned, believe that IPPF provides vital services to women around the world. Through IPPF, Canada funds a critical part of the global maternal and reproductive health architecture, providing an unparalleled network of health providers in 174 countries delivering 67 million health services to 31 million women, men and young people annually. A lack of funding means cuts to programs, services and supplies.

Like IPPF, we believe that sexual and reproductive rights should be internationally recognized as human rights and, therefore, guaranteed for everyone. We believe in gender equality and we also believe in choices.

We also believe that while everyone is entitled to their religious views, those views should not affect the public policy of Canada.

Canada is leading both the G8 and G20 summits in 2010 and the federal government has promised to promote maternal and child health around the world. We feel that denying funding to IPPF would contradict this promise.

We, the undersigned, are calling on CIDA and, by extension, the federal government of Canada, to renew its $18 million grant to IPPF.

protect your parts by giving your autograph to ippf.


rape culture

youtube: “rape” results 1 - 20 of about 215,000
google: About 43,800,000 results

Rape culture: a term used within women's studies and feminism, describing a culture in which rape and other sexual violence (usually against women) are common and in which prevalent attitudes, norms, practices, and media condone, normalize, excuse, or encourage sexualized violence.

i cannot name one woman who has been
completely free from any form of sexual harassment

that, for me, is a problem
inga muscio puts it so brilliantly
when she argues that rape culture has a chain reaction
that frightens us
before we are meant to be frightened

we are automatically on guard
when we are walking home and the sun has gone down
someone we know
(relative, friend, co-worker, woman exposed on the news, celebrity, etc)
has experienced an attack of some kind
and that frightens us
and makes us think that we are victims
that we are likely to get raped.

when we hear that a woman has died
during an attack or encounter
we often correlate this occurrence with rape
(crime shows are a perfect example of this
the women are (generally) rape victims)
the fact that we watch this
and we internalize this
is one of the ways we normalize rape

i have collected some tidbits (aka proof)


advertisements are amazingly influential
what does this one tell you?

a complaint on the Internet:
Viacom Wants to Anal Rape Us
Viacom hates us. Viacom hates their customers. Viacom don't want us to support them. They just want us to take it in the ass.

rape in casual conversation to describe a situation with an exchange of power using force.

a letter.
i wrote to challenge ignorant rules.
notice that i do not say the word rape once.
but it is implied.
in every single argument i present.

RE: Northgate Mall Rules.

With all due respect…

I’m not lazy. As if working in retail did not explain that one enough. I choose to park close for specific reasons. The same reason I hold my car keys strategically in my hand while I walk to my car and lock the door behind me.

I understand. It is for the benefit of the customers. I can respect that. What about the safety for the employees? I do not wish to pinpoint specific businesses. Luckily, I do not think I have to as I am sure you understand where all the “ruckus” (if you will) is coming from.

I have worked in Northgate Mall for three years. I am not saying it is unfriendly zone. Clearly, I would have been gone by this point. I am asking you to think with compassion about certain individuals who are expected to close their store and walk to their car alone. I refuse to abide the rule. Why?

· I have been followed to my vehicle by four men. At the same time. I was shaking by the time I got there. Too much to strategically place my keys. But I did manage to lock the door.

· I have been the victim of verbal sexual harassment numerous times. I have been told numerous times that I have a nice ass. I have been asked to sport a mini skirt for solely (I can assure you) their pleasure. I have heard many “oh yeahs”, “come home with me” etc. I am sure you can understand the remarks that are sitting on my tongue. The verbal venom I would love to shoot out in their direction. However, I have been told it is best not to. That I should inform security. Because I enjoy this attention so damn much, I should wait for help and bask in this glory? No. I don’t think so.

· Lets not forget about the murder we had not too long ago. It seems to be a lot to ask a young woman (or man) to walk to their car alone stepping over someone’s cleaned up blood.

· A fist fight outside of that certain place that causes that certain “ruckus”. Profanity, drunken men, and physical fights. What more could I need to end my day? Not to mention, that extremely angry drunk man felt the need to follow behind me to my car swearing that he fucking hates “you”. I do not know who “you” is. I do not care. So long as I can get to my car and lock the door.

· I had an addict or something along that line in my store describing very disturbing things related to babies.

· And perhaps the most consistent of them all: The old pervert who would sit outside the bench and stare at me and my coworkers. As soon as I left, so did he.
· Need I say more? Bomb threats? Shirtless drunk men threatening to fight someone half my size?

· Need I mention all the drug exchanges I so happen to stumble upon in the parking lot that could potentially end my life? (Wrong place at the wrong time)

· You get the point.

So, before you assume people are lazy and inconsiderate or rebellious (whatever you thought). Think differently. Think of the young girls, or boys, who are walking to their vehicle in that dark parking lot. Keys placed, waiting for the safe (presumably) haven of their vehicle.

I am asking that there is some kind of light shed onto this situation. I can guarantee 100% that I am not the only girl who is suffering this type of abuse. Why? Well, what do you expect? We have the doorway to liquid courage for any men or women who chose to participate right in the mall. Easy access. The mall is one big enabler. Maybe I should say it bluntly. There should not be, under no circumstances, a door for a tavern in the mall. Unacceptable.

Oh. And about my right for being able to call security if I am being pestered: It is really not a solution for me. Why am I expected to call upon a man to mediate the conversation between me (a woman) and another man?

Please reply. I am interested in your thoughts as Centre Manager. What can be done to make the mall a safer environment for the customers AND the employees?

i never heard back.

i want to stop there.
it is your turn now.
next time you watch tv
read a book
look through a magazine
surf the net
be on the look out

for any (and all)
occurrences, subtle hints,
blunt messages

and link them to my fb.
and i will post them here credited to you

start to un-normalize rape.
start to defeat rape culture.


the l word

i'm not a tv fan
i did fall head over heels for
the l word.

that being said.
i do have some bones to pick
the l word


a) why must season 1-4ish portray lesbians as hyper-sexualized outlaws?

lesbians have sex. and kinky sex. so do hetero's. but.
it really seemed like the emphasis was on this culture of lesbianism
that is afraid of commitment and enjoys lots of random casual sex in random places.
b) why is jenny so damn insane?
she had me screaming at the tv too often.
not cool.
c)the end.
seriously? i need more details.
i was left in a dark abyss of uncertainty.
i didn't come all this way for utter confusion.

it was also fantastic
for many reasons


a) the history shots in seasons 1-4ish
fantastic idea. gives a general idea
of the experience of gay men and women throughout history
how freakin fantastic is she?
c) an appropriate amount of on the edge of your seat drama
always leaves you wanting more.
you could also sleep on it.
d) the general daily life experiences of all characters
inter-race relationships and adoption, homosexual partnerships, acceptance, rejection, violence, parties, sub-cultures, temptation and so much more!
e) the diversity of characters.
f to m trans, m to f trans, lesbians, transsexuals, bisexuals, hetero's, commitment phobes, sexually confused peoples, sexually frustrated peoples, and the list goes on...
f) captivating, believable tv
hard to come by these days

the praise outweighs the peeves
watch it :)


raw foodism

i realize that raw foodism is a big leap
from veganism!
but it does have some really amazing benefits

do check out this trailer!
and note woody's quote
it is one of my favs.


this is interesting
as it appears as though
laura bush is pro-gay marriage
and pro-choice

but her husband
george bush
has really different views on these two topics

just to humour myself
i ponder...
what could have been?


pro-choice = pro-abortion?

i love this ellen page interview
(and i love ellen in general)
but i dig that she attacked this subject
and told it like it is

How did you feel about the controversy aroused by your role in Juno?

I was like, you know what? You all need to calm down. People are so black and white about this. Because she kept the baby everybody said the film was against abortion. But if she'd had an abortion everybody would have been like, "Oh my God". I am a feminist and I am totally pro-choice, but what's funny is when you say that people assume that you are pro-abortion. I don't love abortion but I want women to be able to choose and I don't want white dudes in an office being able to make laws on things like this. I mean what are we going to do – go back to clothes hangers?

pro-choice (for me) does not equal pro-abortion

abortion is a choice.
and giving life is a choice.
and adoption is a choice.
and the list goes on.

let us remember this next time someone argues that
pro-choicers are ruthless and insane.
thanks ellen page.
you rock.

read the rest of her interview here


the other side of paradise

oh, staceyann chin!
your memoir is addictive
your words are exude
a beautiful kind of vulnerability
that engulfs your reader like a blanket

at the end of it all
the only thing i feel is tangible
is this quote:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. ..And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

i believe that staceyann chin
has written so beautifully and honestly
that she has removed barriers for all her readers
it takes great courage to place yourself
back into awful situations in order to
tell your story.
staceyann chin, you are brilliant.

here is some of her other work
(in which she reads from her memoir)
let it sink in under your skin
and sit there for awhile

also add her to fb :)
she always asks awesome questions
and you can duke it out with
someone from ireland...or africa...or...france...etc!


vegan nummies

a yummy spring supper!

please note: these are not my pictures. i ate it much too quickly to take pictures. sigh.

pic: berryraw via vegweb

Spinach Salad with Orange-Soy Dressing, Candied Almonds and Sweet Potato Croutons

Orange-Soy Dressing:
1/4 freshly squeezed orange juice
1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
1/4 cup safflower or other light oil (I used hemp, delicious and nutritious!)

Candied Almonds:
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1 1/2 teaspoon agave nectar (or brown rice syrup)
1 teaspoon or so cooking oil

Sweet Potato Croutons:
1 medium sweet potato, cubed
1/2 teaspoon each basil, oregano, chili powder
1/4 teaspoon each mustard powder, onion
powder, garlic powder
Cooking oil

1 beet, shredded
Desired amount of fresh baby spinach leaves
1 carrot, shredded
2 oranges, peeled and chopped


Orange-Soy Dressing:

The recipe for the Orange-Soy Dressing is provided courtesy of The New Now and Zen Epicure with permission from the Book Publishing Company (http://bookpubco.com/).

It's very important to squeeze the orange juice right before using, or it will lack the necessary aroma and flavour. Mix the juice, soy sauce, and vinegar together, then whisk in the oil slowly until thickened.

Candied Almonds:

Turn oven on 'broiler' setting. Spread almonds out on a baking sheet and drizzle with nectar/syrup and oil. Use desired amount of salt. Bake under broiler until lightly browned. Set aside to cool.

Sweet Potato Croutons:

This is basically how I always eat sweet potatoes, this time only in smaller cubes with a nice crispy texture.

Cube sweet potatoes about 1/2-1 inch in size. Mix spices in a Tupperware-type container. Throw in sweet potato, put on the lid and shake. Empty onto lightly oiled baking sheet, spraying a little extra oil on top of the potatoes.

Bake for about 10 mins on 350 (keep checking to see if potatoes have softened). Once they are almost cooked, turn on the broiler in your oven. Lightly brown the croutons, remove from oven, flip them over, spray lightly with oil and return to oven to lightly brown under the broiler again.


Mix all salad ingredients together in large salad bowl with almonds, croutons and salad dressing!

Serves: 4-6

Preparation time: 30 minutes

keylime pudding for dessert!

pic: lyn rose from beautiful vegan

1 avocado (peeled and pitted)
¼ c freshly squeezed lime juice
1 kiwi (peeled)
½ cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 or 3 Tablespoons raw sugar or raw
agave (however sweet you like it)
1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt

This is one of our favourite treats to have for breakfast, as a snack or as a desert. All you do is mix everything in a blender until it’s smooth and creamy. If you don't like kiwi you can change the recipe to make Sunshine Lime Pudding by leaving out the kiwi, and adding 1/4 cup more of water instead. It's sooo good- really quick and easy too! Serves 2 (unless you eat it all).

enjoy :)

flow: for love of water

this is a very revealing documentary
that will make you think
really hard
when you turn your tap on next

it is so odd
that we (myself included)
never really ask

where does our water come from?

with the proposed privatization in the global south
citizens are reacting
and why wouldn't they?
it is water.
we need it.
it's either fight or die.
and i am so very pleased that they are fighting.

another really interesting perspective
is brought to the forefront in this doc:
the whole notion of nature
and nature as sacred
as free
as necessary
many of these people ask,
"why would you charge me for water? it's like charging me for the sky"

contrary to their view
is ours ("the white man's view")
nature is the enemy
and once we defeat it
(via production of dams
via production of factories
via oil spills
we move on.

and it makes me sad.
because i realize that they are right.

i have too many questions
but one will suffice:

what is it all for?

too many people die of mistreated (or untreated) water

what is it all for?

watch it here: http://www.sprword.com/videos/flow/


9 crimes

love it.
do u?