
to be enough.

she wonders how it would feel to be enough.

to know enough.
to laugh enough.
to run enough.
to love enough.

to be enough.

to ignore numbers,
when it comes to self-worth.

to silence the voice
deep inside her heart.

to confront the voice
whose only purpose is to warn her.

this voice, this voice is true.
it is tangible.
and it cares.
it engulfs her.

it is brutally honest.
and she cannot take it.
she refuses to take it.

it is easier to run
to avoid it all.

the inevitable.

perhaps if the inevitable would occur,
that voice would change.
it would offer guidance, support, kindness.

it would inform her
of her talents,
of her beauty,
of her inherit need to love,
and how this need is so very needed in this world.

she will never know.
or will she?

time is the only option.
so let her keep wasting time,
keep wandering aimlessly
searching for the one thing she desires


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