
sunday desires

wanted: a book club crew
must be into memoirs
soy lattes
and political chats

must also be forgiving of an over-filled schedule
(my own)

also wanted:
the biggest array of pottery EVER.
i have decided to defy tradition (i know - i never do such things)
and gather many different pottery delights for my future home
including (but never limited to):
my love for baking/cooking and pottery combine

as far as i am concerned, this lady is wicked cool

it was brought to my attention
that i have yet another conundrum:
i heart paper goods but i am also a recycling nazi
how could one love so much then kill so many trees.

a compromise.
eco-friendly paper goods.

this calender makes my heart happy

susyjacks. love.

and my last desire on this very sunday
to see this movie.
once and for all!

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