
xmas wrappings

tools include: an old issue of prarie dog, hemp, old scrap-book paper bits and lotta gift tags.


i am ruling my world as a "brunette" now.
i get asked all.the.time. if i feel different.
the answer?


regardez! (look!)

how to wrap gifts: ecofriendly and plan ol' stylish
find more here

red wine sangria for the holidays?
find a delish recipe here

re-use old xmas cards as postcards!
read all about it here

i love tinsel trees.
very much.

this one belongs to this lovely lady

the birth house

let us just start at the beginning
which is, of course, the inspiration
to write such a remarkable tale

the author, ami mckay,
moved to a new home
with a distinct (and awesome) history:
it was a birth house!
a home where women came to birth children
under the guidance of a trained-by-experience only midwife.

to the literary beauty itself: the birth house
i am not a fan of tales (aka fiction)
i like memoirs.
and thats basically it.
i could not put this book down.
it was absolutely luring and had me from the very first word

it is a tale of midwifery
of an ancient tradition passed on from woman to woman
who were accused of being "witches", of being "wickedly evil"
because they could use potions, herbs and words to coax babies
out of wombs
and into worlds
(of course they could also heal the common cold and any other ob-gyn issues)

it is a tale of love
and, sometimes, loss
of women ranting and raging
for the right to do whatever they so please with their own bodies

it is a tale of science and medicine
attempting to take control
every rant and every rave suddenly became a sign of "psychosis"
a sure sign that they needed a doctor now more than ever

it is a tale of the brutal history
of medicine and birthing
(which we are still very much so a part of today)

it is a tale of endurance and strength
midwives stood their guard
pitchfork at the throat of trespassing doctors (ok fine, only sometimes)

and, finally,
it is a tale of family
and how they form
by blood
or otherwise.

it is a tale
that you should seriously consider reading



i need a comfy sweater
a mug of tea
and this great book

followed by this movie

oui oui, c'est francais!

i would be absolutely lying if i said i have
not been stalking the library waiting for its release.
(everyday my friends, every damn day).
enjoy your saturday!


in response to my self conscious

dear dream that ended at approximately 10:15 this morning:

let it be known that
i have no desire to be married.
like none.
i would really enjoy a life-long partnership
maybe a cool kid or two
maybe adopt a kid or two
throw in some puppies and kitties
a family band
be a somebody's "partner" (so controversial)
i have no desire to actually proceed with a wedding
and carry the label "wife"

that being said
i really enjoy being at weddings
and i think they are all-around lovely
but they are simply not for me.

but...that being said.....

i have the strongest desire to design a wedding
through and through.
(i know, what's my deal?)

here is what you need to know about my-notgoingtohappen-wedding:

this dessert table.

spotted here

vintage bow ties for the men

spotted here

grey suits with brown shoes. it's a must.

spotted here

colourful pompoms and white paper lanterns

mason jar lights

spotted here

lots of wedding dress accessories

note the belt. i need a brown belt on my wedding dress.

i suppose this location will do

it is stunning!

basically. vintage elegance with a quirky twist.



little known tidbit about myself:
i re-use gift bags, tissue in good standing, hemp ribbon
old, but pretty, fabrics and anything else i can muster
to disguise my presents.

happy eco-wrapping!

that is my red antique-inspired bookshelf in the background
it will be in one beautiful piece soon.
you will see it.
i have already filled it with
too many good books!


sunday desires

wanted: a book club crew
must be into memoirs
soy lattes
and political chats

must also be forgiving of an over-filled schedule
(my own)

also wanted:
the biggest array of pottery EVER.
i have decided to defy tradition (i know - i never do such things)
and gather many different pottery delights for my future home
including (but never limited to):
my love for baking/cooking and pottery combine

as far as i am concerned, this lady is wicked cool

it was brought to my attention
that i have yet another conundrum:
i heart paper goods but i am also a recycling nazi
how could one love so much then kill so many trees.

a compromise.
eco-friendly paper goods.

this calender makes my heart happy

susyjacks. love.

and my last desire on this very sunday
to see this movie.
once and for all!



the double knot



i can now officially conclude
that martin is an amazing writer
with a knack of revitalizing my activist spirit
that she empowers the small acts
that she brings in Buddhist theory
she brightens up the concept of failure
(after all, we really do learn something each time we fail. don't we?)
she encourages
she shares
she pushes
she probes
she creates something that is awesomely earth shattering.

don't love:
you have not read it
so we cannot discuss it.
please do.

visual learners? feast your eyes on this:

and the author
courtney e. martin

go do small radical acts.
they have a ripple effect.
i promise.