
i may be a little obessed

with getting my hands on a ukulele these days.

p.s. i love this.



i am approximately half-way done perusing my latest read
snig (sleeping naked is green)
and i will give a full review after
(for starters, i will explain what the book is actually about!)
but i felt inclined to check out her blog
and while on there
i found this
and wanted to share
(greatly enjoy the greens in a vase idea)

just one little thought thus far...

people are highly nit-picky about her project
most are supportive
but some are just plain rude

i've noticed once you declare yourself
an environmentalist (or anything for that matter)
random people think they have the right to analyze everything you do
and/or do not do

i think the only question that is really relevant
and necessary to ask these randoms is:
what are you doing or not doing?

since snig gives a shout out
and since i watched it not too long ago
you should go rent this asap


necessities for my unborn house

1. a chalkboard wall in the kitchen (this is a must)
2. a cozy sectional
3. paintings
4. globes - approximately 4 or 5
5. a garden
6. a fireplace
7. an iron-claw bath tub
8. big closet
9. bigger bookcase
10. avocados
11. popcorn maker
12. a big enclosed porch
13. a coat rack
14. a red wall
15. a mason chandelier
16. absolutely no decorative pillows
17. blankies stashed everywhere
18. an herb windowsill
19. a red vintage fridge and oven
20. a mish mash of cups, glasses and bowls
21. a pot holder that hangs from the ceiling
22. you.


rant # 2 and 3 and 4 and 5

i decided yesterday that i was going to write an angry letter
( a tad greenburg of me, no? )
but i didn't know who the recipient should be
i wrote several

dear pump 2 gas station users:
i understand. why would you want a receipt proving you paid a ridiculous amount of money just to get from point a to point b. maybe you were even rushing. it was, after all, precisely 7:32 AM when i stumbled upon a trail of receipts flowing in the wind. it may look nice. poetically appeasing perhaps. but it is certainly not eco friendly and it is certainly not brittany friendly. here is a mind blowing recommendation: if you don't want this little piece of paper( which by the way - has your monies information on it. consider yourself lucky i'm not a criminal mastermind ) maybe you should wait the whole 2 seconds it takes to print and tear it off and put it in the garbage can 2 feet away. even better, you could put it in your little pocket and recycle it later. just don't ( don't! )leave it there to maniacally blow around in the wind.

dear abusers of the 20 feet from the building smoking law:
i know you see the sign. it's impossible to miss. so why would you light up a whole 1 foot outside the building? non-smokers (like me) have to walk through your cloud of heavy chemical smell just to get some fresh air. the kicker? this building has "a scent free policy" that is shouted to everyone who steps foot inside. heck, if you are really pushing it you may even get cornered on unit e by the filing cabinet and be "identified" as someone who wears scents or maybe you just "naturally smell really good" ( i guess i do, thank you for the compliment ) the best kicker?! the queen abuser has a scent free policy sign on her door. ( no. can't be!? ) but it is. part of me wants to rip that sign down and burn it with her smoke-stained lighter.

dear city of regina
re: 13th avenue
you really really really need a bike lane on this street. stop messing around and take that all that money you were putting into replacing beautiful trees with awful metal sculptures and create more bike lanes in the city. what a thought that would be.

dear anon giver of keys
why would you give me the useless key that "grants me access" to the bike door. no. i'll tell you what i get access to: a flight of concrete steps with approx 2 feet at the bottom and then a concrete wall. i must carry my bicycle down these steps..(carefully!) if i stumble i will crack my head open and never be found. if i manage to get down these steps i will finally get to the door. oh. wait a minute. i need those 2 feet available so i can swing open the door to get in. who enjoys a balancing act at 730 AM? ok, right leg you hold that bicycle up on that 2nd and 3rd step and left leg you stand guard and make sure nothing bad happens to right leg. now upper torso you rotate 90 degrees and right hand you get the key in the door while left hand you pull the door open. the kicker? there is a massive garage door on the opposite side of the building that effortlessly opens and closes. are you kidding me? oh, and don't forgot the really fun balancing act to get the bike back out at approximately 4:35 PM. i think i may have the perfect spot for you to put those keys when i give them back.

i feel slightly better


i love the f word

ah, yes.
my favorite season.
i would be totally content
if it could be fall for 365 days of out of the year
because fall means:

1. *wearing more leg warmers, scarves and hats
2. boots.
3. seeing more beautiful colours outside
4. smelling apple cinnamon and pumpkin candles
5. eating (drinking?) more soups
6. boots!
7. being cozy
8. doing hot yoga
9. spending more time on my mac
10. learning french

* i would like to own this


garden update

i saw my first yellow leaf
just a couple days ago
it blew right past me
and joined a
congregation of green leaves

it looked oddly out of place
but soon...

ah, fall.
ah, harvest.....?

herbs are doing just dandy
the cilantro that was booming just weeks prior
decided not to be part of my herb garden anymore
and sadly
it passed.
the sage, chives, catmint and rosemary are still rocking

are most excellent
i devoured some lil ones
and they were absolutely delish
there is one massive tomato growing
it is still radiating shades of green

are looking great
they will not be harvested for awhile though
me and e picked one out and munched
it was petite
but healthy
and tasty

were evaded by an army of slugs
we attacked and (i think) fought them off
we littered our cukes (and carrots - to be proactive ;) ) with egg shells
which should smarten up those damn slugs.
we also had to artificially inseminate our cukes
as we have had no luck with insect pollination
for anyone who needs a giggle:
this involves taking a q-tip and touching lady cuke parts
and then male cuke parts.

before the cuke sex we had 3 cucumbers growing...but
i think we had some successful cuke sex.
time will tell :)

me and e would like to buy a goat one day
anyone familiar with city bylaws re: owning goats
(and, no, this is not a joke :) )

oh. wow. i'm in love with a shell.

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON from Dean Fleischer-Camp on Vimeo.


eating animals by jonathan safran foer

this book is not a guilt trip for carnivores.
if you want to learn something important
if you want to become some part of a movement
if you want to challenge your mind
if you want to change
if you don't want to change...
read this book.

i'm not sure if it's fair to say this is a book.
i think it is better credited as a revelation.

jonathan writes so philosophically
on a topic that is so controversial
that is irrestiably luring

he captured me immediality with
his honesty about his thoughts
his pre-conceived notions
his family traditions
that influence(d) the way he thinks(thought) about eating animals
according to my gained knowledge on research (thanks, 200)
this is just brilliant penmanship on a tough topic
even more than that
he shares the pages of his book
for others to state their experiences
factory farm workers
vegetarians who are pro-meat
and this is what really makes this book amazing.

i really can't say more
because you need to read this book.

but here are some of my favourite key points:

1. we can justify being hungry and eating an animal that has died an unfair traumatic death. we cannot legally rape an animal because we are horny. if it
seems completely off the wall to propose that argument. ask yourself why? what is the difference between hungry and horny? does an animal that is raped experience more or less trauma than one butchered? why?
2. the amount of hormones, antibiotics and poor feed that animals receive on factory farms is a source of major illness for society today. we create this cycle of tortured flesh (factory animals) and we eat it and it becomes our own tortured flesh (illness)
3. the first factory farm began as a mistake.
a woman asked for 50
and received 500
she kept them all.

i wonder...
would we have stumbled to this destruction any way?

read this book.
call me
we will seek soy lattes
and discuss what we read.


10 things

1. holding hands (bonus points if you are both wearing mittens)
2. talks that last late into the night and completely abolish the option of sleeping
3. corner booths at restaurants
4. "indie" music with a side of beer
5. homemade meals (bonus points if you scout out ingredients together)
6. inside jokes
7. reading while cuddling
8. random compliments
9. late night phone calls
10. creating ( anything ) together

emily wells

folk festival oh10
has uncovered many a gems
(for me)

i gotta say
i instantly swooned
for emily wells

she is just all around perfection.

eye/ear candy to follow:


f**k yes

this is awesome.

if you don't believe me..
it is a woman quitting her job
using a whiteboard sequence directed towards
her boss who called her a hopa (hot piece of ass)

not cool, boss.
not cool.

bet you checked it now!


oh emily haines...

i hate any combination of

why do i love this?

you're just great.

i simply must have it


buy this for me.


call it off

maybe i have a crush on hannah georgas?

who can really blame me?
check out this skirt..

or does it?

i never really excelled at pessimism

or so i thought...

Monday AM approx. 7:54 AM

with a deep exhalation
and a minor curse
my big bag hit the floor
and the search party begins

god damn swipe card

i mutter
as i dig around
a deep abyss of useless papers
sticky notes
note books
(i have an affinity for lists)
a wallet
a cell phone
3 kinds of lip gloss
(even i question if all these
lip glosses are necessary)
and alas
i come to the conclusion that
i have left my swipey card at home

without this stupidly small piece of plastic
i cannot get into work
so i wait
and as i wait
i rampage

stupid card
stupid door
stupid beige walls
stupid grey floor
stupid beige and grey
i hate beige and grey
stupid scent free policy
stupid waking up early
stupid full time job

this summers task is
working on expressing gratitude

it is still a work in progress

but i thank ganesh that
at least
i am aware of my downfall

i also thank ganesh
for the patient and kind ear that was willing
to hear my morning time temper tantrum

kudo's to etsy for the perfectly cheery picture to compliment my deep dark post.