
grow great grub

i am in love with this book
not only does it have beautiful pictures of urban gardens
it has tons of tips on how you can grow one, too
completely sustain yourself on your own garden!
fucking fantastic!

i am now convinced that i could be an organic farmer
whether or not this will actually pend out in reality
we will have to see

for now
i will be planting some herbs
in toilet paper rolls.

stay tuned...
in the mean time
go check out her website
and start growing food
so we can do the good ol trade and barter come fall :)

love letter

dear vintage red pencil skirt,

thank you for existing
thank you for being my size
thank you for looking great
with everything i own

i love you!

- b

summer changes

i decided it would be
a really fantastic idea
to renovate my mini sanctuary
( my bedroom )

this, of course,
was prior to the dust
and the putty
and the claw-like hand
i was left with after
2 coats on 4 walls

the paint is on!
and i am now swimming in an ocean
of vintage purple
and a stunning nude-like colour

i have been ravenously searching
my favourite online sources
for some inspiration
here they are!

beautiful earring display made out of reclaimed wood by ParadiseHillDesigns

cute and quirky mushroom pics by the super talented jessica doyle

adorable decor pillow made by sarahsmilecreations

i am in love with this duvet cover at home outfitters.
it should expect a visit from me soon.
and i will take it home with me.
and sleep with it for years to come.

a fun and easy project to hang my (many) necklaces on

a red book case - vintage inspired of course

i love this mason jar lighting project!
i plan on doing 3 in a row as it makes it more simple and will spread light evenly!

i love this idea for a headboard. but this is not the fabric i want.
im thinking something more toned down to draw everything together.
but it just looks stunning!

as you can see.
i have my work cut out for me.
big time.

i have set down the paint brushes (for now - there will be some minor stenciling happening soon)
and am now armed with tools (eek)
and wood (double eek)
and glass (oy)

wish me luck!
i will absolutely post pics once its all completed.

( be patient )

p.s.- i love this site.
it makes me feel like i can do everything i want!!

reality is pending...


falling into manholes:the memoir of a bad/good girl

this is a brilliant story
of a brilliant woman named
wendy merrill
wendy uncovers the desire
that resides deep down in each of us
(to varying degrees)
that wants.
not always needs.
but wants.
it wants food

it just wants.

wendy wanted food.
then booze.
then purging.
then more food.
and the cycle begins..
but when men were added to the mix

things got crazy.
i will leave it at that
because you must read
this memoir of a woman
who is fragile, uncertain, scared
and, yet,
witty, hilarious and honest.

i just love her mix.

i also feel obliged to tag on florence and the machine (again, sue me!)
listen to the lyrics....there is a connection.
i promise.


feminist guilty pleasure

i know.
i know.

florence is so fucking great.


are you f***ing kidding me?

kate miller-heidke.
so f***ing brilliant.
she is pure cute
and quirky
and someone i quite enjoy.

here is a lovely song she
wrote about facebook
i dig it.

They say every one should have their heart broken, at least once.
That that is how you grow emotionally.
Well, I have been misused by many many many men,
But nothing can compare to how you treated me.

At times it really felt as though
the pain was here to stay.
And though it's many years ago,
I feel it to this day.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... Are you fuckin kidding me?

All the memories are flooding back to me now.
All the ways you stole the light from my eyes.
I travelled so far just to get away from you!
Till this mornings friend request surprise.

At times it really felt as though
I'd never smile again.
You narcissistic ass hole,
oh you nasty nasty man.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... Are you fucking kidding?

I dont wanna know what kind of cocktail you are
or which member of the beatles or which 1950's movie star.
I dont give a toss if you're a ninja or a pirate,
I'd suspect you'd be a pirate but i dont wanna verify it
And I dont give a shit what your stripper name is
Or if your Kitty had a litter..
Look, just follow me on twitter.

I dont care about your family tree
and i certainly dont want you poking me

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook...
oh you fucking fucking fuck.

Click, ignore....

this song
politics in space
i cannot get enough
me and kate both wish we were born
in a different era

hello bag!

welcome to my closet.
i hope the others will
make you feel like one
of their own.

my new bag

designed by a lovely woman in alberta
made with vintage leather jackets
scouted out at second hand stores
purchased on a highly addictive website (etsy)
worn by me.


do check out the designer
she is wicked.

meet andi!



"We have not yet made violence against women abnormal, extraordinary, unacceptable. We have not cracked the tectonic plate at the center of the human psyche that is more terrified to love than to kill"

Eve Ensler
The Vagina Monologues


the story of stuff

bitch magazine( yeehaw!)
did a fantastic interview with
annie leonard - a wonderfully committed environmentalist

she created this very simple flick
about the process of things
all things.
that we buy without a second thought and
6 months later...
that we dispose of without a second thought

it is 20 min
and captures all the important facts
you need to know as a consumer
