
this is appauling.

get passionate.
change the world.
so shit like this will stop happening.

beautiful talented canadian couple

Sarah Slean and Royal Wood
So fantastic together
like pb and j
love it.

please check them out if you don't know their tunes...

they're both pretty amazing.


love it

this song reminds me beaches

and summer

and sun

and warmth

particularly nice

on a snow day

everyone have fun and relax on your snow day!!

tlc, anyone?

i love love love this song

one of the songs from my youth

blast this shit

to: brittany keep on struggling - judy rebick

i met judy rebick!
(author of transforming power)
brilliant woman.
i heart her for saying "fuck off"
(in a room full of professors and the head of luther)

she had some really awesome ideas
about this crazy thing called feminism
and, particularly, 3rd wave feminism

i think we ("3rd" waves") are really
ready to start the 4th wave already
a wave filled with social change starting at the
grassroots levels
filled with rebellion
filled with respect and love
it is possible.
i promise.

she said some things that really made sense to me
to us, as a class

on one of our first days of meeting together as a class
we all wondered where the heck feminism is going
the thing is...
when feminists started shaking up the system
it was really obvious what needed to be done
their issues were staring them in the face
the issues feminists are dealing with now
are a little more complex
so much so,
we need time to look at the structure of society
and see where oppression lies

(the gov't has done a really really
nice job of covering their tracks
so a lot of people are tempted to say
"feminism is done"
we need it now more than ever.
so we can tear apart the hegemonic system
and expose what has been going on under our noses)

so, rebick argues that is now time for the older
to back down
and allow the young hooligans to do their thing

we can rock this world
for sure.

ps. rebick sat at my table and we talked
i nearly peed
and then she signed my book!
i have never had a book signed before ever.
it made my day.



bubble bath, pjs, blueberry tea and....

Staceyann Chin

she is intense

she is brilliant

first time i watched it

i was captivated

and slightly scared

of someone who could be so raw


i greatly enjoy this

youtube her

get acquainted

p.s.- she also has a memoir

(which i can not wait to read!)

called: The Other Side of Paradise



the personal is political

the great feminist mantra
the personal is political
i hear it over and over again
what does this really mean, though?

i read recently that one of my fav. bloggists (Jessica Valenti via feministing.org)
argued that this mantra is not necessarily true
or more like, she wishes it was not
Valenti has been and continues to be attacked by anti-feminists
because she owns a dog, not a cat *gasp*
because she had a wedding (the nerve!)
because she is a feminist that is open about her feminist experiences
the reactions?
bitch, slut, whore, i'll rape you, i'll kill you, etc etc

the personal is political.
instead of focusing on a political person for making personal choices
you should to focus on a political society that ignores people's personal choices

try it.
see what happens.


i really do.

this is lovely plate.

and it is true.

i dream.

not just when i am asleep.


i feel like i sit in a desk all day.

and people spew stereotypes at me.

all day long.

women. passive.

men. aggressive.

i get it.

i really do.

that is why, after a certain point

i start to look out the window

and i start to wonder

how fresh air would feel at that very moment

i wonder

what it would be like to have nowhere pressing to be

no philosophers ramming highly political

and questionable arguments into my head

i could simply

just be traipsing around the city

soy latte in one hand, a bag of market goodies in the other

all the time in the world

to cozy up and snuggle

peruse a great book or 4

with a nice cup of tea

cook and bake until

i am stuffed to the brim

do yoga.

twice a day.

and actually meditate at the end.

make jewelry all day long

in a studio that is all mine

then throw on a hip scarf

and shimmy around

oh. i dream.

the philosophers are calling....


now this is a scale i could use

this is awesome.
you can buy it...for real
on amazon.
i have hated scales ever since
i went on a diet years ago and decided to weigh myself everyday
i noticed how obesessive i became
so i cut it out
and i don't weigh myself these days
it's a much better diet approach :)
but this.
this is cool. i would use this.
it would probably make me giggle a little.
nothin wrong with that!

i bought me some art

artist's picture

she's a beauty.

i really believe that surrounding yourself with

a cool environment

and art that screams a message that is important to you

will do wonders.

for your life.

the artist (Jessica Doyle) has fantastic work.

do check her out :).

i can not wait to grab her dream sequence as well.

feminisms and activisms

the semester has started
and i am very very excited about
my feminisms and activisms class
not only does the prof rock
but my peers are all aspiring activists and they are all inspiring
and they all rock too
i will absolutely be blogging about this class a lot.
because i think it is going to be truly awesome.

i wanted to drop in a book recommendation
as i am reading a really really amazing book for this class
it is not often (at all) that a textbook becomes a prized possession
this one really has.
it is called:
transforming power: from the personal to the political
and it is by Judy Rebick.
essentially, this book explains the importance of collectivity
and including the opinions and perspectives of the marginalized
(usually the poverty-stricken)
Rebick bases a lot of her work off Brazil
(where they are currently practicing this form of government)
and so far (it is still fairly new), the results are amazing.
change needs to start from the bottom up.
please read it :).
think about it.
let it sit in your brain.
get goosebumps over it's ooey-gooey message.
just enjoy.

oh!!! i get to meet judy rebick by the way :)
i'll let you know how it goes


these are awesome!

mustache pint glasses from www.etsy.com/shop/breadandbadger
friggin awesome.


the USO has decided to give recognition to female soldiers
via make up and cosmo (yes, the magazine)
can i just interject and ask

what the fuck?

although i think it is fantastic that the government
is acknowledging women soldiers
i greatly dislike stereotypes so
you can imagine my utmost disappointment
that they are sending mascara, tampons, face masks and
a magazine that tells women how to get men (via their bodies and sexuality)
i am going to be blunt and argue that this is bullshit
and the government is completely side-stepping the fact that
the majority of female soldiers become rape victims
(just fyi, it is "our own people" that are raping "our own people")
it is not an us/them situation
it is an us/us situation

the government is completely side stepping the fact that
a female soldier was found with
burn marks all over her body and shot in the head
with a very powerful corrosive poured into her vagina
she was deemed suicidal.
it was a fellow male soldier who was convicted after her family fought
real hard to get her case investigated
(i am talking about lavina johnson...i still have the article if anyone wants to read it
it is highly disturbing, though)

the female soldiers need protection.
from their own people.
we need to target sexual abuse and discrimination
not send tubes of mascara.
thanks to feministing for the heads up and for the picture.


thank you

mary daly (a self-proclaimed radicial feminist/philosopher) passed away yesterday at the age of 81.
just wanted to take the time and thank her for her work in feminism
i greatly enjoyed learning her perspective and her radical attitude impressed me
she created many great books jammed with tantalizing thoughts
she was great and knew how to play on words.
like nobodies business.
her work will forever be a part of my feminism

she's hheeerrrrreeeee

artists picture
it is a vulva.
a vulva necklace.
and it finally arrived today!
the artist is super cool and amazing.
you can find her (Jessica Jarman) here:
she also makes keychains, lip gloss (for the lips on your face!), pillows (friggin cool ones), and cloth menstrual pads.
i have to say.
she rocks.
an added bonus: you can take a picture of your hoohoo and send it to her and she will make a necklace that is truely yours.
fyi: mine is not of that sort. however. you will never know the difference.
so maybe it is?


ode to jessica

voila! the birthday girl
jess rocks life.
anyone will tell you.


some things you may or may not know about dear jessica:

she likes to nap before she goes out.
so we always adjust the plans accordingly.
she once serenaded ang and i for hours (see the pic above)
it was special.
she has fish.
they are still alive. we are all surprised.
her dog bit her a few times.
but she still loves him.
and so do i.
she coined the term enima (ie. you are such an enima)
overall she is a fun, warm-hearted, caring kind of person.
that is why i heart her.
happy birthday jessimaca.
and many more!


without a map

Meredith Hall's memoir Without a Map is amazing.
her life reads as though it is three very seperate lives.
yet, somehow it is all one.
i think this is a great memoir that speaks to the complexity of people
the layers and masks we create that shape our experiences
i particularly love how hall writes
it is so beautiful and poetically written
the entire book reads smoothly
just to give a slight hint of what this memoir entails:
she is 16
and because of that completely and totally
neglected from her mother and father
she is sent away
told she can never be seen
so she spends her entire pregnancy hiding
with only her baby
she talks to her baby and rubs her belly and develops a bond
however. she will never see her baby in the flesh.
the doctors and nurses take her new baby
and give it to a new family
it will take a wild trek with a false love,
a struggle to re-establish herself as a legit human being,
the ultimate forgiveness, and a lot of time in her darkness
before she will ever meet this baby again.
and his abusive family.
the way hall expresses her forgiveness
is amazing.
so amazing.
i can not describe it.
you just have to read it for yourself.
bring a tissue!


happy new year to all!
there is a facet of the human psyche
that always seem to demand your attention
right around this time
that facet demands evolution
(to be honest, i am pretty sure
mine is always nagging at me
but it's cool
i'm a creature of change)

i have some fun goals i want to share (and some secretive ones i can not!)

in twenty10 i would love to:

live more sustainably

try to support women-owned and ran businesses as much as i can
learn to play piano
take yet another metal smith course
salute the sun daily and stand on my head everyday for at least a minute

shimmy. just a little bit. everyday.

et tu?

on a far more materialistic note...

i absolutely need these in my new year. they are essential to my well being!:

fyi: all from etsy....i friggin love etsy...there will be plenty more to come on etsy!
go to sellers and type in their name and wabam. you will find all their creations!
BUT don't you dare buy anything i want. or else....!!
mustache pin from neawear

vintage belt from cookiesandcreme

upcycled vintage purse from hoakonhelga

friggin adorable toque from mehran

best wishes for your new year. may it be filled with love and laughter and anything else your little heart desires!